Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Somnabulist

I wake up from slumber to approach another Sleep
In class I lay my head down on the hard desk like Bedsheets
My thoughts half heard, half spoken in questions 
Not answered as I'm awoken by the teachers questions asked
I know nothing yet to lay my head down, to forget what surrounds and no more
Will I be willing to participate
Since I'm only hushed when I'm awake
I'll just somnambulate
Walking through hallways of beige and brown and loud sounds
That barely rouse me
My head swimming livid with the quiet around me
and when my teachers want to hear my questions
and when my teachers can answer my questions
I'll awake gladly, I'll lift up my head
But until then, I only give them a head borroughed in the crook of my elbows 
A bit of drool coming from lips, no longer words
That they've bound me to, I will no longer participate only somnambulate
Until my desk bedsheets are ripped from my head
With their cold embrace I will take to the whiteboard my full eyes attention
But until then I stare at my elbows crook, refusing to face the real crooks
of my intention.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Time is spent in life well seen in eyes and streams of counscious things
I have been over to the wondrous stew of never seen things I have on a string
Can't one see? Coan't one see possibility? The ability of all that is yet to bring?
Winding down the low down truth that is yet to speak and yet uncouth...
There is yet no where to bring no where to sing my life I bring yet on some string

A piece of twine and can't malign the spine of mine I can't aline 
With What? WIth truth I can't design...I can't design...
Is it intelligent? Get bent, you mean evolution...
Is it God? Jesus! What about JC?
I piece of twine thats strung my life that I can't mind...

But just dance, thats all I do, seen in romance novels from france...
And where I go is somewhere between two unlike things
A bag of chips several days old and paid programming several hours new...
And there I am somewhere between two unlike things seen
Like my life dangling on a piece of string...Strung by twine like mind
Like my spine I can't aline, like my hair that doesn't malign
Like this feeling of weak morning light like this unfinished business yet...

I can't find. This feeling of museum dwelling of Bee Spelling of future telling...
So I reside in what I presume in self-made plumes in man-made monsoons...
Smoking away, my mind an ashtray, my own environment a green-house gas.

There I find my existence given to plastic bag resistance
Weighed down by Idaho Russet Potatoes and wonder bread what else god knows
And seen before some things I can't sing but heard like lore that once some string...


And life was not what I spoke.
And time was not I could cope.
And There was nowhere I could...

Finish, compete, no closure given to the tendencies and lilt of semi-conscious, early morning, late night rhyme. Time to start. Unwind.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


It takes.
When we look back upon gone neighborhood layouts.

ex malo bonum.

When bricks laid upon bricks
and families were only layers of mesh apart

appreciating the destruction is one thing, but believe

ex malo bonum.

That out of bad, comes good, out of life, springs forth
Unyielding for time, for opportunity

Bound only by physics and want.
By reason and resistance.

Embracing this motion is harder than one understands
Than one can grasp
Than one can ask and
I can't see
Can't see
Past my Fingertips
Yet I still
Strain my eyes
Quivering with might

Asking. Why and I am answered:

ex malo bonum.

And I realize that out of bad comes good.

Life breaths what Man breeds, and pays for what Man exceeds,


Is a life of struggle in debt, in cubicles, in technology
More laborious
Than a self-sustained farm off-the-grid-and-possibility?

Ask, and evaluate.

Maybe then, and there
When and what more than we will see then is determined by how many Pronouns are placed, and the computer screen vibrates as the Pencil is sharpened next to it, wary of its once glorious past, its hidden ancestry, rooted in cruel possibility.

I lost my notebook, my thoughts today.

I can't loose this, even though it has been years and forgotten.

Slipped away and permanent, tucked beneath keystrokes. 

Where is this going what will be gained?

Yet I still write and still think but is it analog?
Yet I still write and still think but is it dialogue?
Yet I still write and still think but is it catalogued in extremes, I censor myself. Is it life giving reams of paper of poems that I crave more than I seek, but is it right to wright not bound by blue seams and red margins?

I seek what I cannot understand.
Poems no longer bound to the geometry of of eight and one-half by eleven.
A meter in its own right

I time sought.
Sticking to teeth like sorghum molasses,
Running red like the water of my stream of consciousness

Yet my creative juices are not too by farmed for, picked like the fruits as though they're
Grapes of Wrath.

Even when my mind's a dustbowl.

Even when my hairline is in a recession.

I find time, my self, and rebellious mind.
Thinking outside my own body, my own boundaries, and I can't find what's next, what connects.
And that is okay.
And that comforts.

And that contorts.

Oh. Oh good wordplay there.
Is this therapeutic?


This is resuscitation. 
This is CPR in the writing persuasion.
This is my life revived by jolts of keystroke punches.
No longer lost like my blue bound book in my pocket, lost like my mind, like my self, and a blank one, the same type, the similar one, stares at me.

Will I open it just as I begin or will I could I consider a new life,
a life not written? Only typed.

And where does it all go...who am I writing for? Pressure is mine to keep
and I see the nexus of what I seek...


ex malo bonum.

