Monday, June 8, 2009

Buckminster Fuller and the Cave

A Door's outline of light intensifies 
As the darkness it faces
Increases, with each new experience
That is innocent.
Pure and important.

It will mean more,
If we have seen less.

The Door hides this light,
which isn't as intense, isn't as profound
When the Door opens, when the room 
becomes semi-lit

But without polarity, The Door
would be lost to the darkness,
lost without a frame,
An existence of darkness,

Social Darwinism and Conservatism 
And Thomas Malthus
Equate to extremes, woes, chance
And Good and Bad.

An in and out, a right and wrong.

Can we live in a room which is Dark?
Can we live in a room where we don't know where the Door is?

Can our existence be determined

Determined by something other than Fear?

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Spit, Say Goodbye to your DNA, fate

Only wind will surface
When you search it for the deeper
Meaning of being the seeker being
sought by no meaning much deeper
Than the survival of your helixes 
Than why must you search for such complexities. 

Monday, June 1, 2009

Looking Back On High School

One Real Day.
Several Meaningless
And I walk out Done.

Clear the Way.
Nearing Seemingless

Have I reached equilibrium?
Now that I walk out Done.
One Real Day.

It's all pressing against me, a formless brush, mountainslop
I've ascended. Branches slap my face and
I push them away and
My feet pound the unbroken earth

Clearing the Way.
One more Day.
Almost Done.

When I can't step out of those doors, that brush.
When I can look back on the building
Not with a next day or week or people or assignment in mind,
But with memory, with Shape and Center.

Reason Will maybe Come.
But Reason Comes Slowly.
To Open One Eye, You Must First Close Another.

One open to see the building that stares back.
One closed to greet the memory that stretches further back

With each step in time and space,
I distance myself away 

From the Actual Occurrences
Of that Place.